Some groups of people have lived in rainforests for thousands of years, they have adapted to the hot humid climate. Rainforest people live in villages with the rest of their tribe. They have a deep understanding of the rainforest and how it works. They also know what plants and animals are edible and which ones to stay away from.
Rainforest people live in Africa, Asia,
Rainforest people are hunter gatherers. Some tribes use blow pipes with darts that have been dipped in poison dart frogs poison to kill the animals. The tribes hunt in groups from twenty to thirty. Some tribes in Indian rainforests clear a part of the rainforest for farming then after 2 to 3 years they abandon the land and clear another patch. The African Pygmies are very small the tallest of them being up to 1.4m tall!
Rainforest people do not live for very long, the eldest people living to just over forty years. Diseases introduced by white settlers are still big killers of tribes. Rainforest people often decorate their bodies with dyes, feathers, flowers and other materials. Rainforest people are in danger of losing their homes due to the logging of rainforests.
Some rainforest people that have lived in the past are the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans. They were big civilisations that faced problems as we do today. These included water, food and housing shortages, maybe some of these problems became too hard to overcome so they became extinct.
Rainforest people have many medicines that are from plants in the rainforest. The medicines are kept by a Shaman (medicine man) in the village.
Hopefully the rainforests will be saved so it’s inhabitants can live their for a lot longer.
Good one, George