Rainforests have many species of animals living in them.
Rainforests host some of the most interesting animals in the world. These animals could become extinct if we keep on destroying their habitat and poaching them. The animals in a rainforest have to have some type of protection from predators. Some animals hide, others use camouflage, some scare predators and animals also have warning colours.
The emergent layer houses animals that have great balance and are light. Many birds live in the emergent layer such as parrots, vultures, eagles and macaws. The birds perform a variety of actions that helps to sustain the rainforest. These include vultures which pick dead animals up off the forest floor and eagles which eat monkeys from the branches.
The canopy provides homes for the most animals in the rainforest. Monkeys travel along the vines and branches of trees quickly, they eat fruit, insects and small reptiles. Other monkeys are orang-utans, gibbons and spider monkeys. Sloths, iguanas and green tree pythons are some other animals inhabiting the canopy. Vine snakes are so well camouflaged that sometimes people don’t know whether it is a vine or a snake!
The understorey is home to many smaller species of animals such as the monkeys, snakes, butterflies and birds. The snakes, frogs and bats hide under leaves. The butterflies pollinate the flowers and the ants walk along the branches of trees.
The forest floor is home to large animals such as anteaters, jaguars, tapirs and capybaras and smaller ones like tarantulas and wasps. The frogs eat insects and the lizards have amazing camouflage. The jaguar is the largest animal in the Amazon rainforest and is at the top of the food chain along with the anaconda. The jaguar is now one of the many endangered animals in the rainforest. The cassowary is the largest animal in an Australian tropical rainforest but is smaller than its other Australian cousin the emu. The cassowary is very fierce with claws on its toes and when angry will attack.
The many animals that are found in Tropical Rainforests are very interesting. They are living in quite a different habitat compared with other animals in the world.
Great work, George.