Rainforests are being destroyed at a massive rate for many reasons. Many countries that have rainforests are poor and so they sell the land and the timber to get money to live. Poor people living in the city sometimes move to the country and may also destroy parts of the rainforests for farming. If we don’t take action the rainforests may be destroyed and many plant and animal species could become extinct. Luckily, more people are becoming aware of the need to protect the rainforests.
How to save them
· We could pay the slash and burn farmers to plant native tree crops in logged areas instead of destroying new undisturbed rainforest.
· Make National Parks where the remaining rainforests are.
· Start up tourism that isn’t destructive to bring money and to teach the people how to help sustain the rainforest.
· Give the poor people who live near the rainforest enough land elsewhere, money and employment so they don’t need to farm in the rainforest.
· The Government could create more jobs that the poor people could do by sending them to pick the rubber of rubber trees and collect the fruits off the forest floor.
· Create rainforest conservation groups and give them funds to start campaigns about saving the rainforest to educate the world.
· First world countries could reduce the debts that have to be paid by the poor countries with rainforests in them so the poor countries don’t have to use the rainforest to pay off the debt.
· Logging companies could stop destroying more trees than they need to and just take the trees that they plan to use.
If we work towards achieving some of these strategies we might be able to sustain the rainforests.
Some great ideas, George.