Thursday, September 17, 2009

sam 25

Hi Everyone here is my letter to the editor

Henbury Station
Alice Springs
P.O Box 645
N.T 0871


Alice Springs
P.O Box 2254
N.T 0871

Dear Editor

RE: Save the Rain Forest animals

I believe that if we do not act soon almost all of the animals that live in rainforests will be extinct. I think we should section off large areas of rainforests to be made in to national parks.

Firstly, I think that the parks should be off limits for logging and destruction. They would be like any other national park – a sanctuary for flora and fauna. Then if a species of animal goes extinct in the Rainforest, the national park will be able to reintroduce some of the that species they have been breeding in the national park.

Secondly, the parks would be open to tourists. These visitors would pay to visit and bring in money to keep the fences in good condition. Eventually the park boundaries could be extended. Some of the money that is made can also be used to donate to animal conservation causes around the country.

The parks would have scientists that could use the flora to make medical supplies. Once a medicine is discovered, the plants could be put in to mass production so the parks would not be depleted of their natural resources. These then could be sold to the government and then be put on the market. This could be a life changing thing. The plants could be made in to medicine for many types of diseases.

Finally, if a part of the rain forest is protected there will always be rain forest for future generations and for fauna to continue to live in peace.

This is why I think that a section of every rain forest should be made into a nation park.

Yours faithfully

Sam Morton